Square Peg In A Round Hole

Release date:

Apparatjik’s second album. The digital version could be purchased on the 21st of February 2012 whereas physical copies of the CD were being shipped as of March the 23rd.

This album has quite some history. It was first released as part of an iPad app on November 11 2011. A week later it was made available as a free download for those people who donated a plant for their agreeneryouniverse project during the year. It was announced a few weeks later that this was just a so-called ‘draft 1’ and a further 9 drafts would be released. Draft 11 would be the final commercial version. Fans could remix stems of the album which were made available in early December 2011. The remixed stems would form the new weekly drafts. Any fan-remixed stems that would end up as part of the final draft would get a credit in the CD booklet (and I happened to be one of them!).

CD release

Cat. nbr.: Metamerge Un Ltd. – MMUN5CD

Track listing:

  1. timepoLice (feat. Auto Goon)
  2. cervux seQuential (feat. Lisa A)
  3. tell the bAbes
  4. signs of waking uP
  5. do IT myself (feat. Auto Goon)
  6. BlastLOCKet (feat. Ceto A and L Gortex A)
  7. pakt
  8. COmbat disco music
  9. your voice needS SUBtitles
  10. (don’t Eat The whole) banana
  11. gzMO
  12. superpositions
  13. control Park

The CD edition was, just like the previous album, released a bit later than its digital counterpart. It comes in a trifold paper digipack without a booklet.

The artwork lists the people whose contributions, as part of the mix contest, ended up on the album. Only the original first names where used of the winners, whereas each person got the letter “A” as the last name. They used my needle drop stem for the track timepoLice.

Digital release

Cat. nbr.: Metamerge Un Ltd. – unknown

Track listing:

  1. timepoLice (feat. Auto Goon)
  2. cervux seQuential (feat. Lisa A)
  3. tell the bAbes
  4. signs of waking uP
  5. do IT myself (feat. Auto Goon)
  6. BlastLOCKet (feat. Ceto A and L Gortex A)
  7. pakt
  8. COmbat disco music
  9. your voice needS SUBtitles
  10. (don’t Eat The whole) banana
  11. gzMO
  12. superpositions
  13. control Park
  14. PiXels
  15. quanTum SuicIDe
  16. dot.comma,comma,dot.

The digital album features three bonus tracks.

Promotional CDr release

Cat. nbr.: Metamerge Un Ltd. – none

Track listing:

  1. timepoLice (feat. Auto Goon)
  2. cervux seQuential (feat. Lisa A)
  3. tell the bAbes
  4. signs of waking uP
  5. do IT myself (feat. Auto Goon)
  6. BlastLOCKet (feat. Ceto A and L Gortex A)
  7. pakt
  8. COmbat disco music
  9. your voice needS SUBtitles
  10. (don’t Eat The whole) banana
  11. gzMO
  12. superpositions
  13. control Park

A CDr was released to promote the album. It comes with a folded printed insert in a plastic sleeve.

Sampler CDr release

Cat. nbr.: Metamerge Un Ltd. – none

Track listing:

  1. timepoLice (feat. Auto Goon)
  2. cervux seQuential (feat. Lisa A)
  3. tell the bAbes
  4. do IT myself (feat. Auto Goon)
  5. BlastLOCKet (feat. Ceto A and L Gortex A)
  6. control Park

Another CDr was released to promote the album, this time as a sampler. It also comes with a folded printed insert in a plastic sleeve.

Draft releases

Cat. nbr.: Metamerge Un Ltd. – none

Release dates:

  • 11 November 2011
  • 20 December 2011
  • 27 December 2011
  • 3 January 2012
  • 10 January 2012
  • 17 January 2012
  • 24 January 2012
  • 31 January 2012
  • 7 February 2012
  • 14 February 2012

A mix contest was announced around mid November. The band provided stems for 10 songs which allowed anyone to mix the songs to their liking. Any mixed elements had to be provided as additional stems through Soundcloud by the mixer. The band would review each submission every week and add it to the next draft in case it was deemed good enough.

10 drafts of the album were made available between the 11th of November 2011 and 14th of February 2012. Sometimes a draft of a song was the same in case no new elements were added.

Some draft albums contained new songs which did not make the final cut:

  • That’s The Thing About Us, this one was part of drafts 5, 6 and 8. Draft 8 is significantly different from drafts 5 and 6. All songs feature a female vocal contribution
  • If You Can, Solve This Jumble, this one only appeared in draft 9 and is a unique song featuring vocals by Jonas
  • Do It Like You’re Shining, this was in draft 9 and is more or less a mash-up of Do It Myself. Instrumentally it sounds completely different

There was a progress tracker, available through Soundcloud, which gave access to (at least?) 28 contributions. Some of these ended up in one or more drafts. Special mention to a Christmas version of Combat Disco Music!

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