Fear Of Drowning/Look At Me

Release date:

Between March and June 2011

An unusual promotional CD, supposedly made for the German market.

I say unusual, because it features Fear Of Drowning which was never slated for a single release, although a video was made for the digital iTunes LP. Maybe the band or label were unsure to release Fear Of Drowning or Look At Me as a single at the time and thus put both on this CD. In the end Look At Me became the next single in June 2011.

The suggested release date is a wild guess, but based on the informational sticker on the artwork (as can be found on Discogs), the March-June 2011 date seems plausible.

CD release

Cat. nbr.: [PIAS] Germany – none

Track listing:

  1. Fear Of Drowning
  2. Look At Me

The CD appears to come in a custom cardboard sleeve with a sticker applied on the front, featuring information in German about Mirrors’ latest activities.

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