Mirrors Film Challenge

Release date:

An odd release. If you can call this a release that is. This data disc was sent out to people who wanted to create a short film for Mirrors their music. The films had to be submitted no later then September 5th 2010 and were screened on September 8th at ‘Madame Geisha’ (a bar in Brighton, England). I’ve been told that the band was not that impressed with the results…

CD release

Cat. nbr.: Skint Records – none

Disc contents:

  • BFC – Coalition Manifesto – Mission statement.doc
  • BFC – Contact sheet.doc
  • BFC – Skint Records challenge instructions.doc
  • BFC – Skint records release forms.doc
  • BFC – Standard film challenge rules.doc
  • BFC – Track Lyrics.doc
  • BFC – what is a film challenge.doc
  • logo-for-start-of-films—720×576.jpg
  • logo-for-start-of-films—768×576.jpg
  • logo-for-start-of-films—1280×720.jpg
  • Mirrors ‘Into The Wilderness’.mp3
  • Mirrors ‘Look At Me’.mp3
  • Mirrors ‘Something On My Mind’.mp3
  • Mirrors ‘Somewhere Strange’.mp3

The disc contains four MP3’s, seven documents which contain instructions, rules, contact details and lyrics plus three Brighton Filmmakers Coalition logos in different sizes. The song versions on this disc are a bit different than the ones that ended up on the album, as this disc was made almost a month before the final masters were created. The differences are not that big though.

The songs have the following MP3 tags which can be read in the following way:

  • 6 MRRRS_LOOKATME_JKMIX_DAY3rev1 = Look At Me (Jonathan Kreinik Mix, day 3, revision 1)
  • 15 MRRRS_WILDERNESS_JKMIX_DAY5rev3 = Searching In The Wilderness (Jonathan Kreinik mix, day 5, revision 3)
  • 24 MRRRRS_SOMEWHERESTRANGE_JKMIX_DAY10_MicroscopeMix = Somewhere Strange (Jonathan Kreinik mix, day 10, Microscope Mix)
  • MRRRS_SOMETHING_DAY6rev1vocaldown2 = Something On Your Mind (day 6, revision 1, vocal down 2)

The CD comes in a clear plastic sleeve.

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