Website Updates
Browse through all posts made related to updates for this website since the 30th of January 2012!
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Read more: 宇宙戦隊NOIZ single #3
宇宙戦隊NOIZ released their third new single yesterday in Japan called コロナ (Corona). It was once again released as two different editions, each one containing a different sleeve and different contents on the DVD. A funny fact that I discovered earlier today while going through the credits: it appears that each band member has written one…
Read more: 宇宙戦隊NOIZ single #2
宇宙戦隊NOIZ released a new single last Wednesday in Japan called パラレルマインド (aka PARALLEL MIND). It features a new and a re-recorded track like the previous single plus two instrumental versions. You can now view the full details plus the artwork. I also added information for the single that will be released next month which will…
Read more: LIFO
It took a while, but I finally bought メトロノーム’s mini-album LIFO about a week or so ago and it arrived earlier this week. Scans have been added today which means that high quality scans are now available for all of their albums! Next stop: their singles (if I ever find the time and, more importantly,…
Read more: Lovelife YNB/DTSA
It took one month to cross the big pond, but I finally received Lovelife’s first single today called Your New Beloved/Dying To Start Again and yes, it is a double A-side (how old-fashioned!). It was issued in June in the US this year. We can expect a new EP this Autumn.
Read more: NOIZ 2004 promo CDr
I only heard about the following item about 2 months ago. Until then I did not even know it existed. Today I got a package which contained this release called バトルカプセルから愛を込めて <ALLEX RECORDS通販予約特典CDR> by 宇宙戦隊NOIZ, released in 2004. It contains an hour of discussions by the band, probably about this single and more.
Read more: NOIZ Cyborg re-issue
I was finally able to find a copy of 宇宙戦隊NOIZ’s 2006 re-issue サイボーグロックショウ完全盤 for a good price. As you can see it comes with a completely different sleeve!
Read more: 宇宙戦隊NOIZ’s victory!
While surfing the web yesterday evening I stumbled upon another release by 宇宙戦隊NOIZ which was released with very little promotion and was a digital only release. The title is 稲妻VICTORY, was issued last month and does not even come with proper artwork.
Read more: 宇宙戦隊NOIZ single #1
It has landed! 宇宙戦隊NOIZ’s first single for 2013 and their first one after four years since BRAND NEW DAY was released as a single in 2009. The new single PRECOG was released yesterday in Japan as two different editions. Each one contains a DVD with different footage. A further four (!) more singles will be…
Read more: Cheap メトロノーム
I’ve added a scan of メトロノーム’s 東京バビロン concert-only CD-single today. Nothing too spectacular I must admit since you can get it quite easy, although it was only released in 2004 on June the 27th and only available on that particular day. The thing is that it is normally for sale around ¥3500-¥4500 (roughly €28-€35) excluding…
Read more: Lovelife updates
Final update for today and it includes two Lovelife releases. One was released last month where they were featured on the B-side of the split 7″ single West Coast/Every Minute. The A-side is by the band The Neighbourhood. The other release will be issued on the 17th of June in the US which will be…
Read more: Horrors 2013 RSD
This is a Record Store Day release from April this year. It is a 12″ single which features the band Toy on side A and The Horrors on side B with the tracks Motoring/Moving Further Away. Each song was remixed by one or more band members from the other band, giving this release a nice…
Read more: Dutch Mirrors promo CD
Just when you thought that you own most, if not all, releases by Mirrors, a new promo pops up on the internet. The update of today features a Dutch promo for their 2011 single Into The Heart which comes in a jewel case.